Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams


We are online tertiary education providers for professionals and aspiring students. Delivery of education and application has evolved and it requires new solutions to new challenges.

The Sky's The Limit

Ace university uses real life situations as models.

We encourage network groups, research groups, project groups and fund raising campaigns. This will be bring new age solutions to arising issues.

Life changing opportunities

Projects That Inspire Us

Ace Pro Tv

This is where recorded webinars and zoom meetings with professionals are shared with the relevant groups.

Job Seekers

This is where jobs, challenges and opportunities are discussed for the benefits of job seekers.

Educational professionals

This is where we look at the new trends and patterns in education to share research findings and develop projects for implementation.

Health Care​​

This is where every thing health is discussed , from mental, physical and well being tips to success stories.


This is where business ideas and business feasibility is discussed.

Career development

This is where everything required to embark on your career journey is prepared for professionals to up-skill and get equipped for the road ahead.

Toks W Child

Founder & CEO

Lisa R. Boone

PPC Ninja

our work inspires smiles

The Faces Behind Our Success

we love them

what our members have to say

Meet Our Clients

They Believe In Us

In constant conformity with current certifications.

Do You Want To Boost Your career?

drop us a line and keep in touch